ELECTRICAL PRODUCT CATALOGUE Edition 23 JR Electrical Wholesale Ltd Unit 14 Ventura Park, Broadshires Way, Carterton OX18 1AD Telephone: 01993 670878 email: sales@jr-electrical.com JRR ELECTRICAL WHOLESALE
A I EW Membe r P roduc t Cata l ogue Ed i t i on 23 2 SOLID COPPER DATA CABLING • 24AWG Solid Copper Conductors • UTP Unscreened • Also stocked in a range of colours • Other lengths also available • Direct Burial & SWA types from stock CATEGORY 5E UTP UNSCREENED SOLID COPPER DATA CABLING Category 5E Code 305m, 4pr UTP Grey PVC SFX/C5-UTP-PVCGRY-305 305m 4pr UTP Purple LSZH SFX/C5-UTP-LSZHPUR-305 305m 4pr UTP Black PE SFX/C5-UTP-PEBLK-305 100m 4pr UTP SWA Black PE SFX/C5-UTP-SWA-PEBLK-100 Category 6 Code 305m 4pr UTP Grey PVC SFX/C6-UTP-PVCGRY-305 305m 4pr UTP Purple LSZH SFX/C6-UTP-LSZHPUR-305 305m 4pr UTP Black PE SFX/C6-UTP-PEBLK-305 100m 4pr UTP SWA Black PE SFX/C6-UTP-SWA-PEBLK-100 CATEGORY 6 UTP UNSCREENED SOLID COPPER DATA CABLING • 24AWG Solid Copper Conductors • UTP Unscreened • Also stocked in a range of colours • Other lengths also available • Direct Burial & SWA types from stock ENHANCED CATEGORY 6A DATA CABLING Category 6A Code 305m 4pr F/ FTP Blue LSZH SFX/C6A-F-FTP-LSZHBLU-305 305m 4pr U/FTP Blue LSZH SFX/C6A-UFTP-LSZHBLU-305 4pr F/FTP Black PE per metre SFX/C6A-F-FTP-PEBLK-1 • 500MHz Solid Copper Data Cable • Screened as standard • Cut lengths available in 50m increments • Also stocked in Yellow &White LSZH CATEGORY 5E FTP SCREENED SOLID COPPER DATA CABLING Category 5E Code 305m 4pr FTP Grey PVC SFX/C5-FTP-PVCGRY-305 305m 4pr FTP Purple LSZH SFX/C5-FTP-LSZHPUR-305 305m 4pr FTP Black PE SFX/C5-FTP-PEBLK-305 100m 4pr FTP SWA Black PE SFX/C5-FTP-SWA-PEBLK-100 • 24AWG Solid Copper Conductors • FTP Screened • Other lengths also available • Screened RJ45 Connectors available from stock CATEGORY 6 FTP SCREENED SOLID COPPER DATA CABLING Category 6 Code 305m 4pr FTP Purple LSZH SFX/C6-FTP-LSZHPUR-305 305m 4pr FTP Black PE SFX/C6-FTP-PEBLK-305 • 23AWG Solid Copper Conductors • FTP Screened • Other lengths also available • Screened RJ45 Connectors available from stock ENHANCED CAT 7A & CAT 8 DATA CABLING Category 7A /m Code 4pr S/FTP Orange LSZH SFX/C7A-S-FTP-LSZHORG-1 4pr S/FTP Black PE SFX/C7A-S-FTP-PEBLK-1 Category 8.1 100m 4pr S/FTP Green LSZH SFX/C8.1-S-FTP-LSZHGRN-100 • Enhanced Solid Copper Data Cable • S/FTP Screened as standard • Cut lengths available in 50m increments 1000Mhz (Cat7A) or 2000MHz (Cat8) SFX100 PREMIUM COAXIAL CABLE LSZH Coaxial Premium Code 100m Black SFX/100-LSZH-DBLK-100 250m Black SFX/100-LSZH-DBLK-250 100m Twin Black SFX/100-TWIN-LSZHBLK-100 250m Twin Black SFX/100-TWIN-LSZHBLK-250 100m 5 Core + 4mm E Black SFX/100X5-LSZHBLK-100 SFX100 PREMIUM COAXIAL CABLE PVC SFX100 PREMIUM COAXIAL CABLE LSZH SFX100 PREMIUM COAXIAL CABLE CAI APPROVED RANGE PVC Coaxial Premium Code 100m Black SFX/100-PREM-PVCBLK-100 250m Black SFX/100-PREM-PVCBLK-250 100m Twin Black SFX/100-TWIN-PVCBLK-100 250m Twin Black SFX/100-TWIN-PVCBLK-250 • Solid Copper Conductor • Foam-Filled Dielectric • Foil & Braid Screening • Also stocked in White • Other lengths available Coaxial Premium Code 100m Black PVC SFX/100-CAI-PVCBLK-100 250m Black PVC SFX/100-CAI-PVCBLK-250 100m Black LSZH SFX/100-CAI-LSZHBLK-100 250m Black LSZH SFX/100-CAI-LSZHBLK-250 100m Twin Black LSZH SFX/100-CAI-TWINLSZH-BLK-100 250m Twin Black LSZH SFX/100-CAI-TWINLSZH-BLK-250 CAI Platinum Approved www.securiflex.co.uk
A I EW Membe r P roduc t Cata l ogue Ed i t i on 23 3 Code RG6 Coaxial SFX125 Coaxial Black PE /m SFX/125-PE-BLK-1 SFX165 Coaxial Black PE /m SFX/165-PE-BLK-1 SFX125 Coaxial Direct Burial Green PE SFX/125-DB-GRN-1 RG59 Coaxial SWA CCA Black PE /m SFX/59-SWA-PE-BLK-1 RG11 Coaxial 7/0.40 Black LSZH /m SFX/RG11-LSZH-BLK-1 100m RG59 Mini Coaxial 1/0.41mWhite LSF SFX/59-MINI-LSFWHT-100 RG6 COAXIAL CABLES ADDITIONAL COAXIAL CABLE TYPES SATELLITE & CCTV COAXIAL CABLES • CCS Conductor • Foam-Filled Dielectric • Foil & Braid Screening • Also stocked in White/Brown RG6 Coaxial Code 100m Black PVC SFX/RG6-PVC-BLK-100 250m Black PVC SFX/RG6-PVC-BLK-250 100m Twin Black PVC SFX/RG6-TWIN-PVCBLK-100 250m Twin Black PVC SFX/RG6-TWIN-PVCBLK-250 • Cut to length cables sold in 50m increments • Many other types available • Please enquire with any specific requirements 100m RG59 Coaxial Code CCA Black PVC SFX/59-PVC-BLK-100 CCA Black LSF SFX/59-LSF-BLK-100 CCA Black PE SFX/59-PE-BLK-100 + 2 Power Cores 0.5mm CCA Black PVC SFX/59+2C-0.5-PVCBLK-100 + 2 Power Cores 0.75mm Black LSF SFX/59+2C-0.75-LSFBLK-100 + 2 Power Cores 0.5mm CCA Black PE SFX/59+2C-0.5-PEBLK-100 RG59 COAXIAL CABLES • CCA Conductor • Premium Range also available • Foil & Braid Screening • Also stocked in White; Other lengths available • SWA types from stock TELECOM & SPEAKER CABLES • Speaker Cable Code Description 2 Core OFC 1.5mm Parallel Gold Clear PVC SFX/SPK-SS-2C-PL-1.5-PVC-CLR-100 2 Core OFC 2.5mm Parallel Gold Clear PVC SFX/SPK-SS-2C-PL-2.5-PVC-CLR-100 2 Core OFC 2.5mm Round Black LSZH SFX/SPK-SS-2C-2.5-LSZH-BLK-1 2 Core OFC 4.0mm Round Black LSZH SFX/SPK-SS-2C-4.0-LSZH-BLK-1 4 Core OFC 2.5mm Round Black LSZH SFX/SPK-SS-4C-2.5-LSZH-BLK-1 CW1308 TELEPHONE CABLES LSF BUDGET RANGE TELEPHONE CABLES PVC EXTERNAL GRADE TELECOM CABLES PE BLACK BUDGET RANGE SPEAKER CABLES PVC PREMIUM OFC SPEAKER CABLE RANGE ADDITIONAL SPEAKER CABLE TYPES • Copper Conductors • White LSF Sheath • Other lengths available 100m CW1308 Code 2 Pair White LSF SFX/CW1308-2-LSFWHT-100 3 Pair White LSF SFX/CW1308-3-LSFWHT-100 4 Pair White LSF SFX/CW1308-4-LSFWHT-100 6 Pair White LSF SFX/CW1308-6-LSFWHT-100 10 Pair White LSF SFX/CW1308-10-LSFWHT-100 20 Pair White LSF SFX/CW1308-20-LSFWHT-100 • CCS Conductors • White PVC Sheath • Supplied on 100m reels Budget Telecom Cable Code 2pr CCS White PVC SFX/TC-2-PVC-WHT-100 3pr CCS White PVC SFX/TC-3-PVC-WHT-100 4pr CCS White PVC SFX/TC-4-PVC-WHT-100 6pr CCS White PVC SFX/TC-6-PVC-WHT-100 • Copper Conductors • Suitable for external use • Cut to length in 50m increments • Petroleum Jelly filled CW1128 Code Description 5pr 0.5mm PJ Filled Black PE SFX/CW1128-5-PEBLK-U-1 10pr 0.5mm PJ Filled Black PE SFX/CW1128-10-PEBLK-U-1 5pr 0.5mm PJ Filled SWA Black PE SFX/CW1198-5-SWAPE-BLK-U-1 10pr 0.5mm PJ Filled SWA Black PE SFX/CW1198-10-SWAPE-BLK-U-1 • CCA Conductors • White PVC Sheath • Black tracer line • Supplied on 100m reels Speaker Cable PVC Code 2 Core 13 Strand (0.4mm) White SFX/SPK-13-PVCWHT- 100 2 Core 42 Strand (1.5mm) White SFX/SPK-42-PVCWHT- 100 2 Core 79 Strand (2.5mm) White SFX/SPK-79-PVCWHT- 100 • Oxygen Free Copper • Other lengths Available • Cut in 50m increments • Distinctive Sheath Colours Speaker Cable Code 100m 2 Core 16AWG Pink LSZH SFX/SPK-PRO-2CLSZH-PNK-100 100m 2 Core 16AWG Black PE SFX/SPK-PRO-2C-PEBLK-100 100m Cable 4 Core 16AWG Pink LSZH SFX/SPK-PRO-4CLSZH-PNK-100 100m 4 Core 16AWG Black PE SFX/SPK-PRO-4C-PEBLK-100 2 Core 14AWG Purple LSZH SFX/SPK-PRO-2C-14-LSZH-PUR-1 4 Core 14AWG Purple LSZH SFX/SPK-PRO-4C-14-LSZH-PUR-1 • Oxygen Free Copper • Other lengths Available • Cut in 50m increments • Highly Stranded & Flexible www.securiflex.co.uk
A I EW Membe r P roduc t Cata l ogue Ed i t i on 23 4 BELDEN EQUIVALENT CABLES BELDEN STYLE: INDIVIDUALLY SCREENED PAIRS 22 AWG • Copper Conductors 600V Rated • Individually Foil Screened • Other sheath types stocked • Various lengths available • Cut in 50m increments 22 AWG Code 100m 2pr Grey 22AWG LSF (8723) SFX/ISP2-LSF-GRY-100 100m 2pr Grey 22AWG LSZH (8723) SFX/ISP2-LSZHGRY-100 100m 2pr 22AWG Black PE (8723) SFX/ISP2-PE-BLK-100 100m 3pr 22AWG Grey LSF (8777) SFX/ISP3-LSZHGRY-100 6pr 22AWG Grey LSZH (8778) SFX/ISP6-LSZH-GRY-1 18 & 20 AWG Code 2pr 18AWG LSZH (9368) /m SFX/ISP2-18-LSZHGRY-1 2pr 20AWG Grey LSZH (9402) /m SFX/ISP2-20-LSZHGRY-1 100m 3pr 18AWG Grey LSZH (9773) SFX/ISP3-18-LSZHGRY-100 BELDEN STYLE: INDIVIDUALLY SCREENED PAIRS 18 & 20 AWG • Copper Conductors 600V Rated • Individually Foil Screened • Other sheath types stocked • Various lengths available • Cut in 50m increments BELDEN STYLE: OVERALL SCREENED CORES 24 AWG 24AWG Code 100m 4 Core 24AWG Grey LSF (9534) SFX/OSC4-LSZHGRY-100 100m 6 Core 24AWG Grey LSF (9536) SFX/OSC6-LSZHGRY-100 100m 8 Core 24AWG Grey LSF (9538) SFX/OSC8-LSZHGRY-100 100m 10 Core 24AWG Grey LSZH (9540) SFX/OSC10-LSZHGRY-100 100m 10 Core 24AWG Black PE (9540) SFX/OSC10-PE-BLK-100 • Other sheath types stocked • Copper Conductors 600V Rated • Overall Foil Screened • Various lengths available • Cut in 50m increments BELDEN STYLE: OVERALL SCREENED PAIRS 24 AWG 24AWG Code 100m 1pr 24AWG Grey LSF (9501) SFX/OSP1-LSF-GRY-100 100m 2pr 24AWG Grey LSF (9502) SFX/OSP2-LSF-GRY-100 100m 3pr 24AWG Grey LSF (9503) SFX/OSP3-LSF-GRY-100 100m 4pr G 24AWG rey LSF (9504) SFX/OSP4-LSF-GRY-100 6pr 24AWG Grey LSF (9506) /m SFX/OSP6-LSZH-GRY-1 • Other sheath types stocked • Copper Conductors 600V Rated • Overall Screened • Various lengths available • Cut in 50m increments BELDEN STYLE: OVERALL SCREENED PAIRS Overall Foil Screen Code 100m 1pr 18AWG Grey LSF (8760) SFX/OSP1-60-LSZH-GRY-100 100m 1pr 22AWG Grey LSF (8761) SFX/OSP1-61-LSZH-GRY-100 100m 1pr 20AWG Grey LSF (8762) SFX/OSP1-62-LSZH-GRY-100 100m 1pr 16AWG Grey LSZH (8719) SFX/OSP1-19-LSZH-GRY-100 Overall Foil and Braid Screen 100m pr 24AWG Grey LSF (9841) SFX/OFB1-LSZHGRY-100 2pr 24AWG Grey LSZH (9842) /m SFX/OFB2-LSZHGRY-1 • Other sheath types stocked • Copper Conductors 600V Rated • Overall Screened • Various lengths available • Cut in 50m increments BELDEN STYLE: UNSCREENED Description Code 100m 1pr 14AWG Grey LSZH (8473) SFX/USC2-14-LSZHGRY-100 100m 1pr 20AWG Grey LSZH (8205) SFX/USC2-20-LSZHGRY-100 1pr 16AWG Grey LSF (8471) /m SFX/USP1-16-LSZHGRY-1 100m 1pr 18AWG Grey LSZH (9740) SFX/USP1-18-LSZHGRY-100 1pr 18AWG M-Bus Pink LSZH (9740) /m SFX/USP1-18-MBUSLSZH-PNK-1 USP1-18 1pr 18AWG E-Bus Blue LSZH (9740) /m SFX/USP1-18-EBUSLSZH-BLU-1 • Other sheath types stocked • Copper Conductors 600V Rated • Unscreened Screened • Various lengths available • Cut in 50m increments Securi-Flex have a comprehensive range of Belden Equivalent cables available from stock, in addition to those listed. Please contact your wholesaler with any specific requirements you may have. www.securiflex.co.uk
A I EW Membe r P roduc t Cata l ogue Ed i t i on 23 5 FLEXIBLE WIRING & CONTROL CABLES 2182Y PVC • Available in Black &White Code Description SFX 2182Y (2 Core) Available Sizes (mm) 0.50 & 0.75 2192Y PVC • Available in Black &White Code Description SFX 2192Y (2 Core) Available Sizes (mm) 0.50 & 0.75 318_Y PVC • Available in Black &White Code Description SFX 3182Y (2 Core) Available Sizes (mm) 0.75, 1.00 & 1.50 SFX 3183Y (3 Core) Available Sizes (mm) 0.75, 1.00 & 1.50 SFX 3184Y (4 Core) Available Sizes (mm) 0.75, 1.00 & 1.50 318_B LSZH • Available in Black &White Code Description SFX 3182B (2 Core Available Sizes (mm) 0.75, 1.00 & 1.50 SFX 3183B (3 Core) Available Sizes (mm) 0.75, 1.00, 1.50 & 2.50 SFX 3184B (4 Core) Available Sizes (mm) 0.75, 1.00 & 1.50 SFX 3185B (5 Core) Available Sizes (mm) 0.75, 1.00 & 1.50 SFX 3186B (6 Core) Available Sizes (mm) 0.75, 1.00 & 1.50 SFX 3187B (7 Core) Available Sizes (mm) 0.75, 1.00 & 1.50 YY LSZH NUMBERED CORES • Grey LSZH Sheath • Other sizes available upon request • Various stocked lengths • Cut to length available in 50m increments • Numbered Cores Code Description SFX YY LSZH (5 Core) 2.50mm SFX YY LSZH (5 Core) 4.00mm SFX YY LSZH (7 Core) 0.75mm SFX YY LSZH (7 Core) 1.00mm SFX YY LSZH (7 Core) 1.50mm SFX YY LSZH (7 Core) 2.50mm SFX YY LSZH (12 Core) 0.75mm SFX YY LSZH (12 Core) 1.00mm SFX YY LSZH (12 Core) 1.50mm Code Description SFX YY LSZH (4 Core) 0.50mm SFX YY LSZH (4 Core) 0.75mm SFX YY LSZH (4 Core) 1.00mm SFX YY LSZH (4 Core) 1.50mm SFX YY LSZH (4 Core) 2.50mm SFX YY LSZH (4 Core) 4.00mm SFX YY LSZH (5 Core) 0.75mm SFX YY LSZH (5 Core) 1.00mm SFX YY LSZH (5 Core) 1.50mm Code Description SFX YY LSZH (2 Core) 0.75mm SFX YY LSZH (2 Core) 1.00mm SFX YY LSZH (2 Core) 1.50mm SFX YY LSZH (2 Core) 2.50mm SFX YY LSZH (3 Core) 0.75mm SFX YY LSZH (3 Core) 1.00mm SFX YY LSZH (3 Core) 1.50mm SFX YY LSZH (3 Core) 2.50mm SFX YY LSZH (3 Core) 4.00mm C A B L E H AND L I NG F I R E C A B L E THE INDUSTRY'S TRUSTED CABLE & ACCESSORIES BRAND www. secur i f lex.co.uk enqui r ies@secur i f lex.co.uk 0333 344 6623 www.securiflex.co.uk
A I EW Membe r P roduc t Cata l ogue Ed i t i on 23 6 ventcroft.co.uk NOBURN® Fire Performance Cables NOSHOCK® Conduit Protection Cables UNION Intruder Alarm Cables BS 4737 Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3 PRO-Supreme & PRO-Standard BS 8436 Life Safety UNION PRO BS 4737: Intruder Alarm Key Lines / 100m Reel White Sheath Type Size Cores VSZ-6W Type 1 LSZH <100 Ω/km 6 VSZ-8W Type 1 LSZH <100 Ω/km 8 VSC-6W Type 2 PVC <100 Ω/km 6 VSC-8W Type 2 PVC <100 Ω/km 8 VUC-6W Type 3 PVC <155 Ω/km 6 VUC-8W Type 3 PVC <155 Ω/km 8 4 and 12 core options available CPR approved by BASEC PVC and LSZH formats designed to suit requirements for alarm systems. CPR Dca Type 1 & Eca Type 2 & 3 available. NOBURN Platinum: Fire Cable Standard 60 Key Lines / 100m Reel Red Sheath White Sheath Size Cores VFP-215ERD VFP-215EWT 1.5 mm2 2 Core & CPC VFP-315ERD VFP-315EWT 1.5 mm2 3 Core & CPC VFP-415ERD VFP-415EWT 1.5 mm2 4 Core & CPC VFP-225ERD VFP-225EWT 2.5 mm2 2 Core & CPC 200m and 500m reels available BS7629-1 Platinum Standard 60 Plus Enhanced 120 Certified by LPCB & BASEC Meets requirements of BS 7629-1 Standard 60 cables and Enhanced 120 fire cables used with BS 5839 UK fire systems. NoBurn Plus: Fire Cable Enhanced 120 / 100m Reel Red Sheath White Sheath Size Cores VNP-215ERD VNP-215EWT 1.5 mm2 2 Core & CPC VNP-315ERD VNP-315EWT 1.5 mm2 3 Core & CPC VNP-415ERD VNP-415EWT 1.5 mm2 4 Core & CPC VNP-225ERD VNP-225EWT 2.5 mm2 2 Core & CPC 200m and 500m reels available Contains a full 360°C metal screen Provide life safety protection upon nail penetration for cable circuits installed 50mm or close to any surface. NOSHOCK BS 8436: Circuit Protection / 100m Reel White Sheath Type/Copper Size Cores VNS-S215EWT LSZH/Stranded 1.5 mm2 2 Core & CPC VNS-S225EWT LSZH/Stranded 2.5 mm2 2 Core & CPC VNS-S240EWT LSZH/Stranded 4.0 mm2 2 Core & CPC 3 core, 4 core and black sheathed available 4737 Type 1, e 2 and Type 3 PRO-Su reme & -Standard
A I EW Membe r P roduc t Cata l ogue Ed i t i on 23 7 KOREFLEX FLEXIBLE CONDUIT SOLUTIONS METALLIC & NON-METALLIC FLEXIBLE CONDUIT * Also available in White **Also available in 10m and 50m reels Size mm Polypropylene Black Nylon PVC Galvanised Steel PVC Coated Galv. Steel 16 KNP16/100M KNY16/50M KNSP16/30M KMS16/30M KMPS16/30M 20 KNP20/100M* KNY20/50M KNSP20/30M KMS20/30M** KMPS20/30M** 25 KNP25/50M* KNY25/50M KNSP25/30M KMS25/30M** KMPS25/30M** 32 KNP32/50M KNY32/25M KNSP32/30M KMS32/30M KMPS32/30M GLANDS Size mm Hinged Polypropylene Nylon Compression for PVC Galv. Steel Fixed Galv. Steel Swivel 16 KNYG16/M16 KNSPG16/M16 KMG16/M20/F KMG16/M20/S 20 KNGH20/M20 KNYG20/M20 KNSPG20/M20 KMG20/M20/F KMG20/M20/S 25 KNGH25/M25 KNYG25/M25 KNSPG25/M25 KMG25/M25/F KMG25/M25/S 32 KNYG32/M32 KNSPG32/M32 KMG32/M32/F KMG32/M32/S IP40 IP66 IP65 IP40 or IP54 CONTRACTOR PACKS Size mm Polypropylene Nylon PA6 PVC Spiral PVC Coated Galv. Steel 20 KNP/20P*** KNY/20CP KNSP/20CP KMPS/20P 25 KNP/25P*** KNY/25CP KNSP/25CP ***Also available in White 10 metres of conduit | 10 glands | 10 locknuts IP66 IP66 IP65 IP54 www.koreflex.co.uk IP40 or IP54
A I EW Membe r P roduc t Cata l ogue Ed i t i on 23 8 The Marco Elite range is a striking series of perimeter trunking systems, designed to house high capacity power and data cabling. All trunking systems in the Elite range are CAT5, CAT6 and CAT6A compliant, and are able to house a number of cable configurations. Order Code Elite Profile ME3E Elite 3 MEC3E Elite Compact MT60E Elite 60 Order Code Elite Profile ME3T Elite 3 MEC3T Elite Compact MT60T Elite 60 Order Code Elite Profile ME3I Elite 3 MEC3I Elite Compact MT60I Elite 60 Order Code Elite Profile ME3F Elite 3 MEC3F Elite Compact MT60F Elite 60 Order Code Elite Profile ME3C Elite 3 MEC3C Elite Compact MT60C Elite 60 Order Code Description MTSB1 35mm MTSB1-4 35mm 4 lug MTSB1-25 25mm Order Code Elite Profile ME3J Elite 3 MEC3J Elite Compact MT60J Elite 60 Order Code Description MTSB2 35mm MTSB2-25 25mm MTSB2-50 50mm External Angle Flat Tee Internal Angle Flat Angle End Cover Joint Cover Socket Box 1-Gang Socket Box 2-Gang MARCO ELITE RANGE ELITE 3 175 x 60mm ME3 Elite 3 ME3LGL Elite 3 Light Grey lid ME3AM Elite 3 Anti-Microbial ME3 ELITE COMPACT 145 x 50mm MEC3 Elite Compact MEC3LGL Compact Light Grey lid MEC3AM Compact Anti-Microbial MEC3 MT60 ELITE 60 200 x 63mm MT60 Elite 60 MEC3LGL Elite 60 Light Grey lid Order Code Description MTBT Aluminium Bench Trunking Silver Finish MTBTW Aluminium Bench Trunking White Powder Coated MTBT-BB Back-to-Back Bench Trunking Silver Finish MTBT-BBW Back-to-Back Bench Trunking White Powder Coated MTBU1 Aluminium Bench Trunking Unit 1-Gang Silver Finish MTBU1W Aluminium Bench Trunking Unit 1-Gang White Powder Coated MTBU2 Aluminium Bench Trunking Unit 2-Gang Silver Finish MTBU2W Aluminium Bench Trunking Unit 2-Gang White Powder Coated Marco’s 3.6m power pole, and 650mm power post are both available in a satin anodised aluminium and white powder coated finishes. The systems benefit from a strong aluminium profile, designed to retain rigidity in all environments. Marco Bench Trunking and Bench Trunking Units, are manufactured from satin anodised aluminium and are fitted with a white uPVC lid and available in both satin anodised aluminium and white powder coated finishes. Marco’s bench trunking is also available as back to back lengths and units. 3.6m Power Pole 650mm Power Post MTP1/MTP1W MTPP1/MTPP1W Bench Trunking MTBT Back-to-back Bench Trunking MTBT-BB POWER POLES & POST BENCH TRUNKING www.atkore.com/marco
A I EW Membe r P roduc t Cata l ogue Ed i t i on 23 9 ROTARY ISOLATORS Part Number Description RI-20A-4P Rotary Isolator 20A 4 pole 415V RI-20A-4PL Rotary Isolator 20A 4 pole 415V - Large enclosure RI-32A-4P Rotary Isolator 32A 4 pole 415V RI-32A-4PL Rotary Isolator 32A 4 pole 415V - Large enclosure RI-40A-4P Rotary Isolator 40A 4 pole 415V RI-63A-4P Rotary Isolator 63A 4 pole 415V RI-100A-4P Rotary Isolator 100A 4 pole 415V • Weatherproof to IP65 • Easy Installation • Multiple M20/M25 knockouts up to 63A top and bottom • M25/M32 knockouts up to 100A top and bottom • Can be locked in the off position using a padlock (not supplied) • Earth and Neutral terminals are included • Captive retained cover screws • Conforms to IEC 60947-3. Part Number Description MPKC-632 2 Way Mini Piano Key Connector MPKC-633 3 Way Mini Piano Key Connector MPKC-634 4 Way Mini Piano Key Connector MPKC-635 5 Way Mini Piano Key Connector MPKC PUSH IN QUICK-CONNECTORS STAINLESS STEEL 316 CABLE TIES • Resistant to corrosive oils, chemicals, solvents, salt spray and antimagnetic • 316 Stainless steel marine grade self locking Part Number Description SST200-4.6 Stainless steel cable ties 200 x 4.6mm SST300-4.6 Stainless steel cable ties 300 x 4.6mm SST360-4.6 Stainless steel cable ties 360 x 4.6mm ACCESSORIES SSTB4 Stainless steel cable tie bases M4 fixing hole SSTB6 Stainless steel cable tie bases M6 fixing hole CT1-SST Cable tie tensioning tool for stainless steel ties CTC TRADE TUBS Part Number Description TRAD-1 RedWall Plugs & Screws TRAD-2 Brown Wall Plugs & Screws TRAD-3 T&E Clips 1, 1.5 & 2.5mm TRAD-4 Plasterboard Fixings & Screws WWW.CTCUKLTD.CO.UK CTC LOCKOUT KIT Part Number Description CTLOCKOUT Electrical Lockout kit MC4 CRIMPING TOOL This is a PV installer must have, this high precision MC4 crimping tool is specially designed for the MC4 connectors which are commonly found in PV systems. This MC4 tool provides 1.2 tons of power and insures a strong connection with all MC4 Connectors. MC3 crimping tool also available. MC4-LEAD MC4 Leads available in 5m and 10m pre-crimped
A I EW Membe r P roduc t Cata l ogue Ed i t i on 23 10 CONDUIT FITTINGS BS EN 61386 CLASS 4 GALVANISED INK JET CONDUIT TUBE CONDUIT TUBE 20mm 25mm 3.00 Metre Length DT20300 DT25300 3.75 Metre Length DT20375 DT25375 Master Bundle 400 320 Half Bundle 200 160 10 x Mini Bundle 80 80 CIRCULAR CONDUIT BOXES 20mm 25mm Terminal Box GV DT21120G DT21125G Terminal Extension Box GV DT22120G DT22125G Back Outlet Box GV DT23120G DT23125G Through Box GV DT25120G DT25125G Tee Box GV DT26120G DT26125G Intersection Box GV DT22120G DT22125G Angle Box GV DT23120G DT23125G U 2 Way Box GV DT25120G DT25125G Y 3 Way Box GV DT26120G DT26125G H 4 Way Box GV DT26120G DT26125G LOOP IN BOXES 1 Hole 2 Hole 4 Hole K/O 20/25mm Loop In Box GV DT27001 DT27002 20/25mm Loop In Box ZP DT30001 DT30002 DT30005 EXTENSION RING 20mm Extension Ring ZP DT31020Z 25mm Extension Ring ZP DT31025Z BOX LIDS Box Lid Light GV DT32201G Box Lid Gasket DT32301 Hook Plate ZP DT32620G 20mm Dome Cover GV DT32620G 25mm Dome Cover GV DT32425G BENDS, ELBOW & TEES 20mm 25mm Solid Bend ZP DT31420Z DT31425Z Solid Elbow GV DT31620G DT31625G Solid Tee GV DT31820G DT31825G INSPECTION BENDS, ELBOW & TEES 20mm 25mm Inspection Bend GV DT31520G DT31525G Inspection Elbow GV DT31720G DT31725G Inspection Tee GV DT31920G DT31925G TOOLS 20/25mm Stock Die & Guide DT6012025 20/25mm Metal Conduit Bender DT615 COUPLERS 20mm 25mm Solid Coupler GV DT31120G DT31125G Flanged Coupler GV DT31320G DT31325G *Available in White (WH) and Black (BK) SADDLES 20mm 25mm Spacer Bar Saddle ZP DT34020Z DT34025Z Spacer Bar Saddle Powder Coated DT34020* DT34025* Heavy Distance Saddle GV DT34120G DT34125G Hospital Saddle GV DT34220G DT25125G NIPPLE, HOOK & HEX PLUGS 20mm 25mm Nipple ZP DT34020Z DT32725Z Hook GV DT32020G DT32025G Hex Plug ZP DT33120Z DT33125Z ADAPTOR & REDUCERS 25mm Male to 1 Inch Female Adaptor ZP DT32904Z 25mm to 20mm Reducer ZP DT3302520Z BRASS BUSHES 20mm 25mm Short Male Bush DT40120 DT40125 Male Bush DT40220 DT40225 Female Bush DT40320 DT40325 LOCKNUTS & LOCKRINGS 20mm 25mm Locknut ZP DT33320Z DT33325Z Milled Edge Lockring ZP DT33520Z DT33525Z ADAPTABLE BOX K/O Plain 75 x 75 x 50mm ZP DT501332G DT502332G 100 x 100 x 50mm ZP DT501442G DT502442G
A I EW Membe r P roduc t Cata l ogue Ed i t i on 23 11 Part No. A-Code Description Pk Qty BT* 104066 100mm x 100mm PVC Bench Trunking c/w White Lid 3m BT-LGL* - 100mm x 100mm PVC Bench Trunking c/w Light Grey Centre Lid 3m * Only available to use with SLB1-A and SLB2-A Part No. A-Code Description Pk Qty 1 GANG BENCH BOX SINGLE SIDED / DOUBLE SIDED BT-1G 104071 1 Gang Bench Box 1pc BT-1GD 104072 1 Gang Bench Box Double Sided 1pc 2 GANG BENCH BOX SINGLE SIDED / DOUBLE SIDED BT-2G 104073 2 Gang Bench Box 1pc BT-2GD 104074 2 Gang Bench Box Double Sided 1pc 3 GANG BENCH BOX SINGLE SIDED / DOUBLE SIDED BT1+2G 104075 3 Gang Bench Box 1pc BT1+2GD 104076 3 Gang Bench Box Double Sided 1pc INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL ANGLES BT-IB 104077 Internal Angle 1pc BT-EB 104078 External Angle 1pc COUPLER BT/BC 104070 Coupler 1pc END CAPS BT/BES 104068 End Cap 1pc BT/BED 104069 Double End Cap 1pc DIVIDER MTW 50 19717 Divider 3m ADJUSTABLE BACK BOXES 1G / 2G SLB1-A 104560 Single Adjustable Back Box 30mm-50mm 1pc SLB2-A 104561 Twin Adjustable Back Box 30mm-50mm 1pc NEW PP2WT POWER POLE Part No. A-Code Description Pk Qty PP2WT 105886 Power Pole 3.5m (AluminumWhite) c/w 6x SLB1 1pc KEY DESIGN FEATURES • New telescopic adjustable arm fixing for fast installation. • PP2WT (powder coated white) - 3.5m long, extendible up to 3.95m • More modern design • c/w 6 x 1 gang boxes (SLB1) including roof collar. • New design fixing for base • New design fixing for ceiling • Colours – Powder coated white (RAL9010). • Additional extra 2.5m extension kit (PP2EXT), enabling the power pole to be extended to a total of 6m Item Description 1 Adjustable Fixing Arm 100-400mm 2 Single Outlet Box 3 PVC Lid 4 Power Pole - 3.5m 5 Floor Fixing Plate 6 Ceiling Tile Collar BENCH TRUNKING & POWER POLES PVC BENCH TRUNKING
A I EW Membe r P roduc t Cata l ogue Ed i t i on 23 12 NEW STARLINE SLR 3 COMPARTMENT CURVED TRUNKING Univolt’s SLR - 3 Compartment dado trunking is ideal for both power and data cabling and designed to suit any application. At 170mm x 50mm the new curved profile offers greater data capacity for the latest structured cabling* as well as DDA compliance with a light grey centre lid. TRUNKING 50 x 170 Part No. A-Code Description Pk Qty SLR 50/170 101124 Dado Trunking Curved Profile 3m STARLINE TRUNKING Part No. A-Code Description Pk Qty SLC 50/170 82756 Dado Trunking Chamfered 3m SLQ 50/170 82754 Dado Trunking Square 3m SLS 50/170 82755 Skirting Trunking 3m TRUNKING 50 x 170 Part No A-Code Description Pk Qty INTERNAL ANGLE SIE 50/170 36057 Internal Angle Skirting 1pc CIE 50/170 36066 Internal Angle Dado Chamfered 1pc QIE 50/170 36070 Internal Angle Dado Square 1pc EXTERNAL ANGLESS SAE 50/170 36058 External Bend Skirting 1pc CAE 50/170 36067 External Bend Dado Chamfered 1pc QAE 50/170 36071 External Angles Dado Square 1pc ACCESSORIES * Bend radius in accordance with the structure cabling manufacturer of 4x diameter of cable. ADJUSTABLE BACK BOXES 1G / 2G SLB1-A 104560 Single Adjustable Back Box 30mm-50mm 1pc SLB2-A 104561 Twin Adjustable Back Box 30mm-50mm 1pc Part No. A-Code Description Pk Qty FLAT ANGLES RFW 50/170 101122 Flat Angle Dado Rounded * 1pc FLAT TEES RFT 50/170 101121 Flat Tee Dado Rounded * 1pc Part No. A-Code Description Pk Qty SLR 50/170LG 105311 Dado Trunking Curved Profile c/w Light Grey Lid to meet DDA compliance 3m Part No. A-Code Description Pk Qty INTERNAL ANGLE RIE 50/170 103178 Internal Angle Dado Rounded * 1pc EXTERNAL ANGLES RAE 50/170 103179 External Angle Rounded * 1pc END CAPS RE 50/170 101120 End Cap Dado Rounded 1pc COUPLERS RK 50/170 101590 Coupler Dado Rounded 1pc ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIES Part No A-Code Description Pk Qty FLAT ANGLES CFW 50/170 36729 Flat Angles Dado Chamfered 1pc QFW 50/170 36898 Flat Angles Dado Square 1pc SFWU 50/170 36730 Flat Bend Upward Skirting 1pc SFWD 50/170 36731 Flat Bend Downward Skirting 1pc FLAT TEES CFT 50/170 36783 Flat Tees Dado Chamfered 1pc QFT 50/170 36784 Flat Tees Dado Square 1pc SFTU 50/170 36781 Flat Tee Upward Skirting 1pc SFTD 50/170 36782 Flat Tee Downward Skirting 1pc END CAPS CE 50/170 36069 End Cap Dado Chamfered 1pc QE 50/170 36073 End Cap Dado Square 1pc SEL 50/170 36060 Left Hand End Cap Skirting 1pc SER 50/170 36061 Right Hand End Cap Skirting 1pc COUPLERS SK 50/170 36059 Coupler Skirting 1pc CK 50/170 36068 Coupler Dado Chamfered 1pc QK 50/170 36072 Coupler Dado Square 1pc BACK BOXS SLB 1 36075 Fixed Single Socket Box 1pc SLB 2 36076 Fixed Twin Socket Box 1pc 4 WAY INTERSECTION CFX 50/170 82392 4 Way Intersection Chamfered 1pc QFX 50/170 84414 4 Way Intersection Square 1pc STARLINE SLR TRUNKING
A I EW Membe r P roduc t Cata l ogue Ed i t i on 23 13 www.dietzel-univolt.com Univolt’s Maxi Trunking is suitable for both power and structured cabling solutions. Our unique clip-on system gives a robust connection between the body and lid, making this an ideal trunking system for domestic, commercial and industrial applications MAXI TRUNKING Part No. A-Code Description Pk Qty MAK 50/50 36996 50/50 Maxi Trunking 12m MAK 50/75 19007 50/75 Maxi Trunking 12m MAK 50/100 36997 50/100 Maxi Trunking 12m MAK 50/150 22788 50/150 Maxi Trunking 6m MAK 75/75 19008 75/75 Maxi Trunking 12m MAK 75/100 19010 75/100 Maxi Trunking 6m MAK 75/150 22953 75/150 Maxi Trunking 6m MAK 100/100 19011 100/100 Maxi Trunking 6m MAK 100/150 22789 100/150 Maxi Trunking 3m MAK 150/150 22790 150/150 Maxi Trunking 3m Part No. A-Code Description Pk Qty EXTERNAL ANGLES MAE 50/50 19262 50 x 50 External Angle 1pc MAES 50/50 85634 50 x 50 External Angle 1pc MAE 50/75 19263 50 x 75 External Angle 1pc MAE 50/100 19264 50 x 100 External Angle 1pc MAES 50/100 86042 50 x 100 External Angle 1pc MAE 50/150 22962 50 x 150 External Angle 1pc MAE 75/75 19265 75 x 75 External Angle 1pc MAE 75/100 19266 75 x 100 External Angle 1pc MAE 75/150 22963 75 x 150 External Angle 1pc MAE 100/100 19267 100 x 100 External Angle 1pc MAE 100/150 22964 100 x 150 External Angle 1pc MAE 150/150 22965 150 x 150 External Angle 1pc INTERNAL ANGLES MIE 50/50 19250 50 x 50 Internal Angles 1pc MIES 50/50 85632 50 x 50 Internal Angles 1pc MIE 50/75 19251 50 x 75 Internal Angles 1pc MIE 50/100 19252 50 x 100 Internal Angles 1pc MIES 50/100 86043 50 x 100 Internal Angles 1pc MIE 50/150 22958 50 x 150 Internal Angles 1pc MIE 75/75 19253 75 x 75 Internal Angles 1pc MIE 75/100 19254 75 x 100 Internal Angles 1pc MIE 75/150 22959 75 x 150 Internal Angles 1pc MIE 100/100 19255 100 x 100 Internal Angles 1pc MIE 100/150 22960 100 x 150 Internal Angles 1pc MIE 150/150 22961 150 x 150 Internal Angles 1pc TRUNKING ACCESSORIES Part No. A-Code Description Pk Qty FLAT ANGLES MFW 50/50 19286 50 x 50 Flat Angle 1pc MFW 50/75 19287 50 x 75 Flat Angle 1pc MFW 50/100 19288 50 x 100 Flat Angle 1pc MFW 50/150 22966 50 x 150 Flat Angle 1pc MFW 75/75 19289 75 x 75 Flat Angle 1pc MFW 75/100 19290 75 x 100 Flat Angle 1pc MFW 75/150 22967 75 x 150 Flat Angle 1pc MFW 100/100 19291 100 x 100 Flat Angle 1pc MFW 100/150 22968 100 x 150 Flat Angle 1pc MFW150/150 22969 150 x 150 Flat Angle 1pc FLAT TEE MFT 50/50 19274 50 x 50 Flat Tee 1pc MFT 50/75 19275 50 x 75 Flat Tee 1pc MFT 50/100 19276 50 x 100 Flat Tee 1pc MFT 50/150 22970 50 x 150 Flat Tee 1pc MFT 75/75 19277 75 x 75 Flat Tee 1pc MFT 75/100 19278 75 x 100 Flat Tee 1pc MFT 75/150 22971 75 x 150 Flat Tee 1pc MFT 100/100 19279 100 x 100 Flat Tee 1pc MFT 100/150 22972 100 x 150 Flat Tee 1pc MFT 150/150 22973 150 x 150 Flat Tee 1pc TRUNKING DIVIDER MTW 50 19717 50mm Trunking Divider 3m MTW 75 19718 75mm Trunking Divider 3m MTW 100 19719 100mm Trunking Divider 3m SINGLE AND TWIN SOCKET MIB60/100 Single 23230 Single Socket Box 80x100x28mm 1pc MIB120/100 Twin 23232 Twin Socket Box 140x100x28mm 1pc MIB60/150 Single 23231 Single Socket Box 80x150x28mm 1pc MIB120/150 Twin 23233 Twin Socket Box 140x150x28mm 1pc STOP END ME 50/50 19308 50x50 Stop End 1pc ME 50/75 19309 50x75 Stop End 1pc ME 50/100 19310 50x100 Stop End 1pc ME 50/150 22163 50x150 Stop End 1pc ME 75/75 19311 75x75 Stop End 1pc ME 75/100 19312 75x100 Stop End 1pc ME 75/150 22165 75x150 Stop End 1pc ME 100/100 19313 100x100 Stop End 1pc ME 100/150 22167 100x150 Stop End 1pc ME 150/150 22169 150x150 Stop End 1pc MAK50/100 can be installed as a dado trunking for both power and data cables. MAK50/100 is compatible with MIB60/100 Single Backbox and MIB120/100 Twin Backbox.
A I EW Membe r P roduc t Cata l ogue Ed i t i on 23 14 BLADE TERMINAL COPPER Finish: Tin Plated Voltage: 600V @ 75°C Insulated: Polyvinyl Chloride Electric Rating: Blue - 27A Red - 19A Yellow - 24A Code Type TBB18 Blue 18.4mm TBR18 Red 18.4mm TBY10 Yellow 10.0mm FLAG FEMALE PUSH-ON TERMINAL BRASS Finish: Brass, Tin Plated Voltage: 300V @ 75°C Insulated: Nylon Electric Rating: Blue - 15A Red - 10A Code Type TPFFR Red 0.5 - 1.5 TPFFB Blue 1.5 - 2.5 PRE-INSULATED CRIMP TERMINALS Conform to BS4579 & BS4G178 RING TERMINAL COPPER Finish: Tin Plated Voltage: 600V @ 75°C Insulated: Polyvinyl Chloride Electric Rating: Blue - 27A Red - 19A Yellow - 24A Code Type TRB32 Blue 3.2 TRB37 Blue 3.7 TRB43 Blue 4.3 TRB53 Blue 5.3 TRB64 Blue 6.4 TRB8 Blue 8.4 TRB10 Blue 10.5 TRR32 Red 3.2 TRR37 Red 3.7 TRR43 Red 4.3 Code Type TRR53 Red 5.3 TRR64 Red 6.4 TRR85 Red 8.4 TRR10 Red 10.5 TRY43 Yellow 4.3 TRY53 Yellow 5.3 TRY64 Yellow 6.4 TRY8 Yellow 8.4 TRY10 Yellow 10.5 TRY12 Yellow 13.0 FORK TERMINAL COPPER Finish: Tin Plated Voltage: 600V @ 75°C Insulated: Polyvinyl Chloride Electric Rating: Blue - 27A Red - 19A Yellow - 48A Code Type TFB32 Blue 3.2 TFB37 Blue 3.7 TFB43 Blue 4.3 TFB53 Blue 5.3 TFB64 Blue 6.4 TFR32 Red 3.2 TFR37 Red 3.7 Code Type TFR43 Red 4.3 TFR53 Red 5.3 TFR64 Red 6.4 TFY37 Yellow 3.7 TFY43 Yellow 4.3 TFY53 Yellow 5.3 TFY64 Yellow 6.4 FULLY INSULATED FEMALE PUSH-ON TERMINAL BRASS Finish: Tin Plated Voltage: 300V @ 75°C Insulated: Polyvinyl Chloride Electric Rating: Blue - 15A Red - 10A Yellow - 24A Code Type TPFB48FI Blue 4.8 TPFB63FI Blue 6.3 TPFR28FI Red 2.8 TPFR48FI Red 4.8 TPFR63FI Red 6.3 TPFY63FI Yellow 6.3 TPFY95FI Yellow 9.5 PIGGY-BACK PUSH-ON TERMINAL COPPER Finish: Copper, Tin Plated Voltage: 300V @ 75°C Insulated: Polyvinyl Chloride Electric Rating: Blue - 15A Red - 10A Yellow - 24A Code Type TPPB Red 6.3 TPPR Blue 6.3 TPPY Yellow 6.3 MALE PUSH-ON TERMINAL BRASS Finish: Tin Plated Voltage: 300V @ 75°C Insulated: Polyvinyl Chloride Electric Rating: Blue - 15A Red - 10A Yellow - 24A Code Type TPMB48 Blue 4.8 TPMB Blue 6.3 TMPR28 Red 2.8 Code Type TPMR48 Red 4.8 TPMR Red 6.3 TPMY Yellow 6.3 SPLICE/BUTT TERMINAL COPPER Material: Copper, Tin Plated Voltage: 600V @ 75°C Insulated: Polyvinyl Chloride Electric Rating: Blue - 27A Red - 19A Yellow - 48A Code Type TSB Blue TSR Red TSY Yellow HEAT SHRINK BUTT SPLICE CONNECTOR COPPER Finish: Copper, Tin Plated Voltage: 600V @ 75°C Insulated: Polyvinyl Chloride Electric Rating: Blue - 27A Red - 19A Yellow - 48A Code Type THSB Blue THSR Red THSY Yellow PIN TERMINAL COPPER Finish: Tin Plated Voltage: 600V @ 75°C Insulated: Polyvinyl Chloride Electric Rating: Blue - 27A Red - 19A Yellow - 24A Code Type TPB12 Blue 12.0mm TPR12 Red 12.0mm TPY14 Yellow 14.0mm FEMALE PUSH-ON TERMINAL BRASS Finish: Tin Plated Voltage: 300V @ 75°C Insulated: Polyvinyl Chloride Electric Rating: Blue - 15A Red - 10A Yellow - 24A Code Type TPFB Blue 6.3 TPFB48 Blue 4.8 TPFR Red 6.3 TPFR28 Red 2.8 Code Type TPFR48 Red 4.8 TPFY Yellow 6.3 TPFY95 Yellow 9.5 BULLET TERMINAL BRASS Finish: Copper, Tin Plated Voltage: 300V @ 75°C Insulated: Polyvinyl Chloride Electric Rating: Blue - 19A Red - 27A Yellow - 48A Code Type TBFB Female Blue 5mm TBFR Female Red 4mm TBFY Female Yellow 5mm TBMB Male Blue 5mm TBMR Male Red 4mm TBMY Male Yellow 5mm www.deligo.co.uk
A I EW Membe r P roduc t Cata l ogue Ed i t i on 23 15 COPPER LUG BELLED ENTRY Material: Copper, Tin Plated Usage: Suitable for Power Cables up to 100V BUTT SPLICE COPPER Material: Copper, Tin Plated Usage: Suitable for Power Cables up to 100V Belled entry for ease of use Code Size CB6 6mm2 CB10 10mm2 CB16 16mm2 CB25 25mm2 CB35 35mm2 CB50 50mm2 CB70 70mm2 Code Size CB95 95mm2 CB120 120mm2 CB150 150mm2 CB185 185mm2 CB240 240mm2 CB300 300mm2 CB400 400mm2 Belled entry for ease of use Standard: BS 7609 Packed in 10s (Larger sizes can be split) Code Type CL65 6mm2 5mm Fix CL66 6mm2 6mm Fix CL68 6mm2 8mm Fix CL610 6mm2 10mm Fix CL105 10mm2 5mm Fix CL106 10mm2 6mm Fix CL108 10mm2 8mm Fix CL1010 10mm2 10mm Fix CL1012 10mm2 12mm Fix CL165 16mm2 5mm Fix CL166 16mm2 6mm Fix CL168 16mm2 8mm Fix CL1610 16mm2 10mm Fix CL1612 16mm2 12mm Fix CL255 25mm2 5mm Fix CL256 25mm2 6mm Fix CL258 25mm2 8mm Fix CL2510 25mm2 10mm Fix Code Type CL15020 150mm2 20mm Fix CL18510 185mm2 10mm Fix CL18512 185mm2 12mm Fix CL18514 185mm2 14mm Fix CL18516 185mm2 16mm Fix CL18520 185mm2 20mm Fix CL24010 240mm2 10mm Fix CL24012 240mm2 12mm Fix CL24014 240mm2 14mm Fix CL24016 240mm2 16mm Fix CL24020 240mm2 20mm Fix CL30010 300mm2 10mm Fix CL30012 300mm2 12mm Fix CL30016 300mm2 16mm Fix CL40010 400mm2 10mm Fix CL40012 400mm2 12mm Fix CL40016 400mm2 16mm Fix CL40020 400mm2 20mm Fix Code Type CL7016 70mm2 16mm Fix CL7020 70mm2 20mm Fix CL958 95mm2 8mm Fix CL9510 95mm2 10mm Fix CL9512 95mm2 12mm Fix CL9514 95mm2 14mm Fix CL9516 95mm2 16mm Fix CL1208 120mm2 8mm Fix CL12010 120mm2 10mm Fix CL12012 120mm2 12mm Fix CL12014 120mm2 14mm Fix CL12016 120mm2 16mm Fix CL12020 120mm2 20mm Fix CL1508 150mm2 8mm Fix CL15010 150mm2 10mm Fix CL15012 150mm2 12mm Fix CL15014 150mm2 14mm Fix CL15016 150mm2 16mm Fix Code Type CL2512 25mm2 12mm Fix CL355 35mm2 5mm Fix CL356 35mm2 6mm Fix CL358 35mm2 8mm Fix CL3510 35mm2 10mm Fix CL3512 35mm2 12mm Fix CL3514 35mm2 14mm Fix CL506 50mm2 6mm Fix CL508 50mm2 8mm Fix CL5010 50mm2 10mm Fix CL5012 50mm2 12mm Fix CL5014 50mm2 14mm Fix CL5015 50mm2 15mm Fix CL706 70mm2 6mm Fix CL708 70mm2 8mm Fix CL7010 70mm2 10mm Fix CL7012 70mm2 12mm Fix CL7014 70mm2 14mm Fix CORD ENDS (DOUBLE) Material: Copper, Tin Plated Usage: Suitable for Power Cables up to 100V Belled entry for ease of use Code Size Pack Qty CED0.5 0.52 mm 100 CED0.75 0.752 mm 100 CED1.0 1.02 mm 100 CED1.5 1.52 mm 100 CED2.5 2.52 mm 100 CED4.0 4.02 mm 100 CED6.0 6.02 mm 100 CED10.0 10.02 mm 100 CED16.0 16.02 mm 100 CRIMPING TOOL KIT/TERMINAL INSTALLATION KIT INTERCHANGEABLE Code Type CTK Ratchet Crimping Tool Set (Comes with 5 dies) DIES Die set for pin terminal/insulated or non/insulated ferrules (cord ends) DL-5D2 Crimp dimension AWG 6 / 4 / 2 & DIN 16 / 25 / 35mm2 DL-2E2 Crimp dimension AWG 22/ 20 / 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 / 10 / 8 / 6 & DIN 0.5 / 0.75 / 1.0 / 1.5 / 2.5 / 4 / 6 / 10 / 16mm2 Die set for non insulated terminals and copper lugs/ butt splices. DL-2N Crimp dimension AWG 20- 18 / 16- 14 / 12- 10 / 8 & DIN 1.5/ 2.5 / 6 / 10mm2 DL-5N1 Crimp dimension AWG 8 / 6 / 4 & DIN 10 / 16 / 25mm2 Die set for insulated terminals DL-2H Crimp dimension AWG 22-18 / 16- 14 / 12-10 & DIN 0.5-1 / 1.5-2.5 / 4-6mm2 • Full Cycle Ratchet crimper with 5 interchangeable die sets for insulated, non-insulated ferrule, cord-end, copper lugs and butt splice terminals. • Removable thumb screws for quick change of dies. • Built in safety ratchet mechanism provides precise crimping. • Angled head with streamlined ergonomic grips enhances operation effectively & comfortably. • High leverage design structure of frame provides easy crimp action. • 5 Tools in one! ASSORTED CORD ENDS/BOOTLACE FERRULES (FRENCH & GERMAN) Contains: 8 Popular Sizes 0.52mm x 10.02mm Code Size CEK2 Cord Ends (French) CEK1 Cord Ends (German) CORD ENDS (FRENCH) Standard: DIN 46228-4 Suitable: For tri-rated cable Code Size Pack Qty CE0.25F 0.252 mm x 6.5mm 100 CE0.5F 0.52 mm x 8.0mm 100 CE0.75F 0.752 mm x 8mm 100 CE1.0F 1.02 mm x 8mm 100 CE1.5F 1.52 mm x 8mm 100 CE2.5F 2.52 mm x 8mm 100 CE4.0F 4.02 mm x 9mm 100 CE6.0F 6.02 mm x 12mm 100 CE10.0F 10.02 mm x 12mm 100 CE16.0F 16.02 mm x 12mm 100 CE25.0F 25.02 mm x 16mm 100 CE35.0F 35.02 mm x 16mm 100 JELLY CRIMPS 8A 2 & 3 WAY Code Type Pack Qty JC2 8A 2 Way 100 JC3 8A 3 Way 100 PRE-INSULATED CRIMP TERMINALS CORD ENDS (GERMAN) Standard: DIN 46228-4 Suitable: For tri-rated cable Code Size Pack Qty CE0.25G 0.252 mm x 6.5mm 100 CE0.5G 0.52 mm x 8.0mm 100 CE0.75G 0.752 mm x 8mm 100 CE1.0G 1.02 mm x 8mm 100 CE1.5G 1.52 mm x 8mm 100 CE2.5G 2.52 mm x 8mm 100 CE4.0G 4.02 mm x 9mm 100 CE6.0G 6.02 mm x 12mm 100 CE10.0G 10.02 mm x 12mm 100 CE16.0G 16.02 mm x 12mm 100 CE25.0G 25.02 mm x 16mm 100 CE35.0G 35.02 mm x 16mm 100 Conform to BS4579 & BS4G178
A I EW Membe r P roduc t Cata l ogue Ed i t i on 23 16 INTRODUCING IDEAL IDEAL Industries has been operating in the UK since 1992 and supplied electrical wholesalers and distributors with innovative solutions to meet their customer’s requirements while committing to IDEAL’s core values: strength in relationships and transparency in business. Our goal is to help you deliver improved installation speed, quality and value for your customers. You can trust us to offer best in class products across a wide selection of electrical consumables, tools and equipment, all of which have been thoroughly tested and proven. Over the next couple of pages you’ll find a selection of our products, but if you are looking for more, do not hesitate to visit our website idealind.com. Alternatively, ask your AIEW wholesaler for more details. PUSH-IN CONNECTORS Code Description 30-1032 2 port push-in wire connectors 100 pcs. 30-1033 3 port push-in wire connectors 100 pcs. 30-1034 4 port push-in wire connectors 100 pcs. 30-087 5 port push-in wire connectors 50 pcs. 30-088 6 port push-in wire connectors 50 pcs. 30-090 8 port push-in wire connectors 50 pcs. 30-1039EU 3 port 6 mm push-in wire connectors 30 pcs. The push-in wire connector can reduce installation time by up to 50% compared to more traditional connection methods such as terminal blocks. They are the perfect replacement for crimped splices. In addition the most popular 2, 3 & 4 port models are rated to 32 Amp. • Fits any combination of 0.75mm2 - 4.0mm2 solid or 1.5mm2 - 2.5mm2 stranded (≤ 7 strands) copper conductors or tin bonded flexible wire • Certified for use with In-Sure® Enclosure Box • UKCA, CE-BS 7671:2008 (18th Edition) compliant GEN II LEVER CONNECTORS The IDEAL Gen II lever connectors offers a fast, simple and cost-effective alternative to terminal strips allowing electrical professionals to save time and money on site while achieving easier, more consistent terminations for wires up to 4mm2 and 32 Amp. For use in all applications up to 32A including lighting, access control, radial and final ring circuits. • Releasable connector – for solid, stranded (from 0.2 mm2) and flexible wires (from 0.14mm2) • Compact design – suits tight spaces • Opens in the opposite direction of insertion points to avoid accidental loosening/pull out • Certified for use with In-Sure® Enclosure Box • UKCA, CE-BS 7671:2008 (18th Edition) compliant Code Description 30-0092 2 port Gen II lever wire connectors 40 pcs. 30-0093 3 port Gen II lever wire connectors 40 pcs. 30-0095 5 port Gen II lever wire connectors 30 pcs. 30-0099 Mixed Gen II lever wire connectors 30 pcs. 30-5025EU Kit including 10 x 2&3 port plus 5x5-port 30-5026EU Kit including 30 x 2, 40x3 and 20x5-port 30-5002EU T&E Kit including 20 x 2&3 port plus tools PUSH-IN & LEVER WIRE CONNECTORS 32 AMP 32 AM PP www.idealind.com 32 AMP The SpliceLine® in-line wire connector provides a crimp free, solderless butt splice. The two port model accepts up to 4.0mm2 cable, allowing one connector to do the job of multiple through crimps. Its end-to-end connection is also a great solution for pre-fab operations. • Tool free, push in through crimp • Easily passes through standard knockouts • Window for visual inspection of connection • Certified for use with In-Sure® Enclosure Box • UKCA, CE-BS 7671:2008 (18th Edition) compliant Code Description 30-1042 SpliceLine connectors (100) 30-1342S SpliceLine connectors (10) KITS INCLUDING SPLICELINE WIRE CONNECTORS 30-5011EU 120 pcs. kit including 30 pcs. 30-5025EU 80 pcs. kit including 15 pcs. 30-5026EU 240 pcs. including 30 pcs. SPLICELINE® IN-LINE CONNECTORS 2-6mm2
A I EW Membe r P roduc t Cata l ogue Ed i t i on 23 17 WIRE CONNECTOR KITS Code Description 44-985UK Contractor Lockout/Tagout Kit 44-995 Contractor PRO Lockout/Tagout Kit 44-924 Domestic Installer Lockout/Tagout Kit 44-925 Personal Lockout/Tagout Kit 44-986 Apprentice Kit (including voltage tester) IDEAL offers a range of wire connector kits comprising of Push-In, SpliceLine® and/or Gen II Lever wire connectors meeting the needs of today’s modern electricians who demand quality products that satisfy the requirement tomake safe and reliable connections of wires in a variety of wiring applications. • 32A Push-In Connector Installer Kit (120 pcs.) • Push-In Connector Premium Kit (255 pcs.) • Push-In Connector Starter Kit (110 pcs.) • Push-In & Gen II Lever Wire Connector Kit (80 pcs.) • Push-In & Gen II Lever Premium Kit (240 pcs.) Code Description 30-5011EU 2, 3 & 4 port push-in kit-120 pcs. 30-5020EU 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 8 port push-in kit-255 pcs. 30-5021EU 2, 3, 4 & 6 port push-in kit-110 pcs. 30-5025EU Mixed Gen II lever/push-in-80 pcs. 30-5026EU Mixed Gen II lever/push-in-240 pcs. IDEAL offers a range of lockout/tagout products to provide a cost-effective and safe solution in the management of electrical safety and circuit isolation in the workplace. IDEAL lockout/tagout devices help to achieve compliance with current regulations. LUBRICANTS Code Description 31-358 Yellow 77 - 0.95 l. squeeze bottle 31-388 ClearGlide - 0.95 l. squeeze bottle 31-378 AquaGel II - 0.95 l. squeeze bottle FISH TAPES 31-055 60ft (18 m) Blued-steel fish tape 31-056 120ft (36 m) Blued-steel fish tape 31-057 240ft (73 m) Blued-steel fish tape All IDEAL lubricants are pH neutral, environmentally safe, non-toxic, non-flammable and non-corrosive with great temperature ranges and low co-efficient of friction. • Y77 - wax based drying to a thin, non-conductive film, clings to cable even where moisture is present • ClearGlide - polymer based, safe for all cable types, clear and colourless for quick and easy clean up • AquaGel II - polymer based for outdoor use only FT-45™ FEED-THRU TOOL & KITS Code Description 30-495 FT-45™ Feed-Thru Modular Plug Crimp Tool 30-507 Feed-Thru RJ-45 Installation Kit 30-508 Twisted Pair Termination Kit 30-5014EU Unshielded Kit 30-5015EU Premium Kit 30-5016EU Smart Home Kit The FT-45™ is a simple, compact and highly effective crimp tool for installers and technicians that terminate RJ-45 connectors regularly. Suitable with Feed-Thru, standard, or shielded connectors, Cat 5e, 6 or 6A. • Speed - The simplified process of RJ-45 data terminations increases productivity • Accuracy - Cleanly shears the excess conductors and leaves a smooth, flat finish • Reliability - Clear connector design for visual inspection of wiring order reducing errors MODULAR PLUGS FOR FT-45™ TOOL Code Description 85-370 CAT5e FT RJ-45 unshielded 25 pcs. 85-371 CAT5e FT RJ-45 unshielded 50 pcs. 85-372 CAT5e FT RJ-45 unshielded 100 pcs. 85-375 CAT6 FT RJ-45 unshielded 25 pcs. 85-376 CAT6 FT RJ-45 unshielded 50 pcs. 85-377 CAT6 FT RJ-45 unshielded 100 pcs. 85-361 CAT5e shielded RJ-45 25 pcs. 85-365 CAT5e FT shielded RJ-45 25 pcs. 85-385 CAT6A*/6 Unshielded Feed-Thru 50 pcs. 85-369 CAT6A*/6/5e Shielded Feed-Thru 50 pcs 85-368 CAT6A*/6/5e Shielded Feed-Thru 25 pcs *only applies to a cable diameter of max. 8.1 mm with inner cores between 1.02-1.22 mm in diameter. Open end Feed-Thru (FT) connectors offer several advantages over standard closed end connectors. • Reduces errors - Wires can be easily verified before trimming • Easy to use - Conductors do not need to be pre-trimmed to a specific length • Improved wire stability – 3 prong contacts into every wire for more conductive contact points MODULAR PLUG SOLUTIONS, TEST EQUIPMENT & MORE TEST & MEASUREMENT Code Description 61-959 Circuit Tracer Kit w/ inductive clamp, battery pack and receiver w/ OLED rotating display 61-775 1000A AC/DC ClampMeter 61-357 1000V ACDCDigital Multimeter 61-557 Voltage & Continuity Tester CATIV/600V 61-657 Dual Range Non-Contact Voltage Tester 61-847 Dual Laser Targeting 12:1 Infrared Thermometer 33-856 VDVMultimediaWiremapper&Tester 33-864 ProToneGenerator&Amplifier ProbeKit 62-200 LinkMaster™ Wiremapper The IDEAL T&M range includes Circuit Tracers, Clamp Meters, Split Jaw Meters, Multimeters, Voltage Testers, Non-Contact Voltage Testers and Infrared Thermometers with a range of features designed to enhance productivity and safety. The IDEAL Data test range includes amplifier probe, tone generator, LinkMaster™ and VDV Cable Tester as individual part numbers or in a variety of kits. SCAN HERE FOR COMPLETE CATALOGUE SCAN HERE FOR LOTO SECTION LOCKOUT/TAGOUT SAFETY KITS
A I EW Membe r P roduc t Cata l ogue Ed i t i on 23 18 ADHESIVES Code Description 80205 Pratley Industrial Putty 2kg White 80211 Pratley Original Putty 125g 84135 Pratley Quickset Putty 125g 84136 Pratley Steel Putty 125g 85139 Pratley Quickset White 86143 Pratley Quickset Clear EZEE FIT BOXES Code Description 56200 Junction Box No 0 2 Way 20mm Entry IP68 c/w Shrouds 56202 Junction Box No 0 3 Way 20mm Entry IP68 c/w Shrouds 56204 Junction Box No 0 4 Way 20mm Entry IP68 c/w Shrouds 56206 Junction Box No 1 2 Way 25mm Entry IP68 c/w Shrouds 56208 Junction Box No 1 3 Way 25mm Entry IP68 c/w Shrouds 56210 Junction Box No 1 3 Way 25mm Entry YBox IP68 c/w Shrouds 56212 Junction Box No 1 4 Way 25mm Entry IP68 c/w Shrouds 56214 Junction Box No 2 2 Way 32mm Entry IP68 c/w Shrouds 56216 Junction Box No 2 3 Way 32mm Entry IP68 c/w Shrouds 56220 Junction Box No 2 4 Way 32mm Entry IP68 c/w Shrouds 56224 Junction Box No 3 2 Way 40mm Entry IP68 c/w Shrouds 56226 Junction Box No 3 3 Way 40mm Entry IP68 c/w Shrouds 56230 Junction Box No 3 4 Way 40mm Entry IP68 c/w Shrouds 56232 Junction Box No 4 2 Way 50mm Entry IP68 c/w Shrouds 56234 Junction Box No 4 3 Way 50mm Entry IP68 c/w Shrouds 56236 Junction Box No 4 4 Way 50mm Entry IP68 c/w Shrouds 56238 Junction Box No 1 4 Way 25mm Entry H Type IP68 c/w Shrouds EZEE FIT EX E/N HAZARDOUS AREA BOXES Code Description 56022 Junction Box No 0 2 Way 20mm Entry IP68 C/W Shrouds 56023 Junction Box No 0 3 Way 20mm Entry IP68 C/W Shrouds 56024 Junction Box No 0 4 Way 20mm Entry IP68 C/W Shrouds 56025 Junction Box No 1 2 Way 25mm Entry IP68 C/W Shrouds 56026 Junction Box No 1 3 Way 25mm Entry IP68 C/W Shrouds 56027 Junction Box No 1 4 Way 25mm Entry IP68 C/W Shrouds 56028 Junction Box No 2 2 Way 32mm Entry IP68 C/W Shrouds 56048 Junction Box No 0 3 Way 20mm Entry Y Type IP68 C/W Shroud 56054 Junction Box No 1 4 Way 25mm Entry H-Type IP68 C/W Shroud EZEE FIT ACCESSORIES Code Description 62000 Compression Conversion Kit No 0XS 3.0mm - 6.0mm 62001 Compression Conversion Kit No 0S 6.0mm - 9.4mm 62002 Compression Conversion Kit No 0L 9.5mm - 12.6mm 62003 Compression Conversion Kit No 1Rxs 3mm - 6mm 62011 Compression Conversion Kit No 1 12.7mm - 14.3mm 62021 Compression Conversion Kit No 2 15.8mm - 20.4mm 62032 Compression Conversion Kit No 3L 23.4mm - 26.3mm 62041 Compression Conversion Kit No 4S 26.4mm - 30.6mm 62042 Compression Conversion Kit No 4L 30.7mm - 34.7mm 62043 EXE Compression Conversion Kit No 1RS 62044 EXE Compression Conversion Kit No 1RL ALUMINIUM ALLOY BOXES (ORANGE) Code Description 08041 Junction Box No 0 2 Way 20mm Entry IP68 c/w Shrouds 08042 Junction Box No 0 3 Way 20mm Entry IP68 c/w Shrouds 08043 Junction Box No 0 4 Way 20mm Entry IP68 c/w Shrouds 08044 Junction Box No 1 2 Way 25mm Entry IP68 c/w Shrouds 08045 Junction Box No 1 3 Way 25mm Entry IP68 c/w Shrouds 08046 Junction Box No 1 4 Way 25mm Entry IP68 c/w Shrouds 08047 Junction Box No 2 2 Way 32mm Entry IP68 c/w Shrouds 08048 Junction Box No 2 3 Way 32mm Entry IP68 c/w Shrouds 08049 Junction Box No 2 4 Way 32mm Entry IP68 c/w Shrouds ALUMINIUM ALLOY ACCESSORIES Code Description 67074 Compression Conversion Kit No 0XS 3.0mm - 6.0mm 67075 Compression Conversion Kit No 0S 6.0mm - 9.4mm 67076 Compression Conversion Kit No 12.7.0mm - 14.3mm 67077 Compression Conversion Kit No 2S 15.8mm - 17.3mm 67082 Compression Conversion Kit No 0L 9.5mm - 12.6mm 67083 Compression Conversion Kit No 1L 14.4mm - 15.7mm 67084 Compression Conversion Kit No 2L 17.4mm - 20.4mm EZEE FIT AND ALUMINIUM ACCESSORIES Code Description END CONNECTOR & INSULATING SLEEVE 18110/04014 Size 2 Core Capacity 32mm 18111/04015 Size 3 Core Capacity 70mm 18112/04016 Size 4 Core Capacity 105mm 18113/04017 Size 5 Core Capacity 140mm 18114/04018 Size 6 Core Capacity 280mm TUFFLON BLANKING PLUG 57800 Tufflon Blanking Plug No 0 IP68 20mm 57801 Tufflon Blanking Plug No 1 IP68 25mm 57802 Tufflon Blanking Plug No 2 IP68 32mm 57803 Tufflon Blanking Plug No 3 IP68 40mm 57804 Tufflon Blanking Plug No 4 IP68 50mm www.jeani.co.uk