JJ Quinn Electrical Product Catalogue Edition 23

A I EW Membe r P roduc t Cata l ogue Ed i t i on 23 146 CSF100S Standard for remote switching CSF100T Overrun adjustable timer (5–30 mins) CSF100H Humidity model with overrun timer (15 mins) LOW PROFILE FLAT FAN RANGE FLAT100S 100mm Remote switching model FLAT100T 100mm with electronic overrun timer (15 mins) FLAT100H 100mm Humidity model with electronic overrun timer (15 mins) FLAT150S 150mm Remote switching model FLAT150T 150mm with electronic overrun timer (15 mins) with integral backdraught shutters CF200S Standard for remote switching CF200P Pullcord CF200T Overrun timer (1-20 mins) CF200H Humidity control with adjustable timer CENTRIFUGAL FAN RANGE CONTINUUM AXIAL CRA100T Continuous running fan with trickle/boost functions CONTINUUM FAN RANGE CRCHTP Continuous running fan with boost via pullcord or integral humidistat CRCHTPLV As above but low voltage. Suitable for Zone 1 of bathroom CONTINUUM CENTRIFUGAL SILENT FAN CONCEAL RANGE INLINE MIXED FLOW FAN MF100S 100mm standard MF125S 125mm standard MF150S 150mm standard MF100T 100mm - timer (1-20mins) MF125T 125mm - timer (1-20mins) MF150T 150mm - timer (1-20mins) Quiet Fan X5 - 100mm 4" Wall/Ceiling Fans QF100SX5OP Standard QF100TX5OP Timer QF100HTX5OP Humidistat QF100PIRX5O PIR Control Quiet Fan X5 Conceal-100mm 4”Wall/Ceiling Fans QF100SX5CON Standard QF100TX5CON Timer QF100HTX5CON Humidistat www.manrose.co.uk UK Manufacturer of Venti lation Fans and Equipment